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What is Early Treatment or Phase 1?
Orthodontic treatment for children is also known as interceptive orthodontics. It is commonly referred to as Early or Phase 1 treatment. Early intervention takes advantage of the fact that a child’s jaws are still growing and malleable. A children’s dentist will often refer to an orthodontist for evaluation when dental crowding or a crossbite is present. The orthodontic specialist may wish to widen the dental arch to make room for adult teeth or correct a crossbite. The probability of dental impaction increases when there isn’t enough room for the adult teeth to emerge. Permanent teeth erupt into better positions when they have sufficient room to come in. Palatal expansion with or without a traditional palatal expander can be used to create the additional space needed.
Recommended Only In Specific Cases
Orthodontic treatment can be useful if the dental arches and jaws aren’t in the correct position. Two conditions that also require early intervention are crossbites, where teeth on one side of your mouth push against those on opposite sides to cause an uneven jawline; or when front teeth stick out too much from a person’s gums which may fracture or get chipped after accidents like falling down. Functional appliances might help fix these problems as well.

Why Do Early treatment?